Preparing A New Release


There are two facests to providing new ZRP releases. This is because the ZRP requires additional files to function that aren’t available when you git clone or pip install. This is due to the fact that the pre-build pipelines and lookup tables that the ZRP requires are rather large and aren’t able to be stored conventionally on github. We, thus, utilize Github’s Releases functionality to bundle the souce code as a release, and with it, attach two zip files: 1) the lookup tables, and 2) the pipelines.

The additional lookup tables and pipelines are installed after you pip install or clone the package by running the zrp modeule, This module downloads the two zips, unzips them, files the contents, and then removes the unnecessary downloaded folders. Ultimately, after running this module (steps shown in the README), the acs and geo lookup tables will be stored with the following paths:


Ex.: zrp/zrp/data/processed/acs/2019/5yr/processed_Zest_ACS_Lookup_20195yr_blockgroup.parquet


Ex.: zrp/zrp/data/processed/geo/2019/Zest_Geo_Lookup_2019_State_01.parquet

The pipelines will be stored with the following paths:

zrp/modeling/models/{geo_level}/pipe.pkl  (where geo_level might be 'block_group', 'census_tract', or 'zip_code')

Ex.: zrp/modeling/models/block_group/pipe.pkl

Preparing the release

Observe the following steps in order to safely and correctly prepare and push new Pypi, and Github releases for the zrp packages. Note that in order to ensure continuity between all releases, every new push to the main branch should be accompanied by a new pypi and Github release with appropriate versioning (idential across the various release locations).

If you contribute to the ZRP tool via patches, feature upgrades, or code overhauls that DO NOT affect the lookup tables or pipelines in use:

  1. Push all changes to the Github

  2. Follow the steps below to prepare a new Pypi package
    • NOTE: when you follow step 2, similar to the example provided, you are to bump the version in

If, however, you generate new lookup tables, or pipelines, in your contribution:

  1. Push all changes to the Github.
    • Ensure that the acs/, geo/ data folders, and the {geo_level}/pipe.pkl files are not tracked in git and are added to the gitignore.

  2. Follow the steps below to prepare a new Pypi package
    • NOTE: when you follow step 2, and bump the version, not only should you bump the version in, but you must also open up zrp/ and set the version there to the now updated (bumped) version in

  3. Follow the steps below to prepare a new Github Release that includes the lookup tables and pipelines zips.



  1. Once you’ve updated the package source code, ensure you have an up to date local repo and push/merge all commits to Github

  2. Incremenet the version number for the package. We use the tool Bump Version to ensure all version numbers are kept consistent. You can install Bumpversion from PyPI:
    $ pip install bumpversion

    Bumpversion is used as follows:

    $ bumpversion --current-version ?.?.? [major/minor/patch] [<file_names>]

    For example, to increment the MINOR version of zrp, you would do something like this (this increases the version in both and

    $ bumpversion --current-version 0.1.0 minor zrp/
  3. Update local packages for distribution
    python -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
    python -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
  4. Create distribution packages on your local machine, and check the dist/ directory for the new version files
    python sdist bdist_wheel
    ls dist
  5. Remove the old package version distribution packages in ‘/dist’

  6. Upload the distribution files to pypi’s test server
    python -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
  7. Test the upload with a local installation
    python -m pip install --index-url --no-deps <PACKAGE>
    • Start Python, import the package, and test the version

  8. Upload the distribution files to pypi
    python -m twine upload dist/*

Github Releases

  1. On the repo home Github page, in the right hand column, click “Releases”

  2. Click “Draft a new release”

  3. Enter the new relesae title in the following format: “zrp” + “-” + “VERSION”

    • Ex.: “zrp-0.1.0”

    • Ensure that the VERSION is the same version as the pypi deployment you just created

  4. Select “Choose a tag”, and generate a new tag with the same name as the title selected in step 3

  5. Enter in any details describing the release

  6. Click “Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them” and select the and zips you’ve generated

    •, when unzipped, should be a folder with the following structure:

| pipelines
| |
| |----- block_group_pipe.pkl
| |----- census_tract_pipe.pkl
| |----- zip_code_pipe.pkl
  •, when unzipped, should be a folder with the following structure (‘2019’ and ‘5yr’ may be replaced by whatever ACS year and year range is applicable for the acs lookup table data you’re uploading):

| ├── lookup_tables
| │   ├── acs
| │   │   └── 2019
| │   │       └── 5yr
| │   │           ├── processed_Zest_ACS_Lookup_20195yr_blockgroup.parquet
| │   │           ├── processed_Zest_ACS_Lookup_20195yr_tract.parquet
| │   │           └── processed_Zest_ACS_Lookup_20195yr_zip.parquet
| │   ├── geo
| │   │   └── 2019
| │   │       ├── Zest_Geo_Lookup_2019_State_01.parquet
| │   │       ├── Zest_Geo_Lookup_2019_State_02.parquet
| │   │       ├── Zest_Geo_Lookup_2019_State_04.parquet
| │   │       ├── Zest_Geo_Lookup_2019_State_05.parquet
| │   │       ├── .
| │   │       ├── .
| │   │       ├── .
  1. Publish Release